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How to Use Video to Grow your Business

According to Marketing Sherpa, visitors are 64% more likely to buy your product when there is a video involved. With those numbers, common sense says that video should always be

8 Things Your Website Needs to Turn Visitors into Customers

We are often asked to give our critique of different websites and it’s rare we find a site that has all elements in place for optimal conversion. Luckily, improving your

Stuck With What to Put on Your FAQ Page?

When you decided to create a website, on your list of things to add was an FAQ. Since everyone has one, you decided to throw one together and stick it

Why Not Caring About Branding is Killing Your Business

Branding is non-negotiable in our book. While we like to work quickly, we have learned the value of a brand over the years and so when people come to us

Get Started With GrooveJar On Shopify

We’re glad to have you! Setting up GrooveJar is wicked easy (yes, it’s true, Bostonians do say wicked). And we’re not exaggerating when we say “you’re just a few clicks

5 Exit Intent Pop Ups You Need to Try on Your Website

One of the first things I learned as an entrepreneur is… if you don’t ask, you won’t receive. Exit intent pop ups follow this same principle. While you may not
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